The Routing Table

How does a router learn how to reach destinations ?
Routers forward packets based on destination IP addresses and they have to know about these destinations in order for the packets to be forwarded. There are a couple of ways in which a router would learn about these destinations: Statically configured routes, Directly connected interfaces, and dynamic routing protocols. Static routes are pretty self explanatory, you manually configure(tell) the router to reach destination X.X.X.X forward to this next hop(next router). Directly connected interfaces are also kind of self explanatory. These are the interfaces(physical or logical) on the router, that have IP addresses assigned to them. The router “see’s” it’s interfaces that are up and configured as directly connected networks. So it knows how to reach those networks by forwarding out those appropriate interfaces. The third way a router will learn how to reach a destination network is dynamic routing protocols. The way that dynamic routing protocols share routing information is by forming neighbor-ship’s with other routers. This allows them to forward what networks each router knows how to reach to their neighbor’s. There are two “flavors” of dynamic routing protocols: IGP’s and EGP’s. Interior Gateway Routing Protocols(IGP’s) are the dynamic routing protocols that are used within an organization. Exterior Gateway Routing Protocols(EGP’s) are dynamic routing protocols that are used between organizations(Autonomous Systems). The IGP’s that are used today are : RIP, EIGPR, OSPF, IS-IS. The only EGP that is used today is BGP. There are other more in-depth details about the routing protocols like within IGP’s there are two types of protocols(Distance Vector and Link State) and within EGP’s BGP can be either iBGP(within the same autonomous system) or eBGP(between autonomous systems) and other details that we will not go into for the purposes of this blog.
Once the routers learn about these networks they determine the best routes and install them into their routing tables. So now we know how a router learns about destinations, how does it decide which paths are “best” and install them into it’s routing table? This is firstly determined on prefix-length. The best path is the path with the most specific prefix. If there were three routes that match the destination, just say,, and, then the router will chose the path with the longest prefix match(subnet mask) that matches. So the router would send the packets to the next-hop in the routing table associated with the route because it is the longest prefix match in the example. This longest prefix match rule is true for static and dynamic routes. This takes care of routes learned from a single source. So what happens when the same route, say, is learned from multiple sources(i.e. static and dynamic or two different dynamic)?
This is where we need to talk about Administrative Distance, or the trustworthiness of a routing source. The admin distance is predetermined values set by a vendor determining which order their routers will prefer routes. In this case we are talking about Cisco so here is an example of admin distance for Cisco routers.

Sorry for the fuzziness but you get the point. The lower values are preferred over higher values, with directly connected networks being the “most believable”. The admin distance is the sort of “tie-breaker” here. If we are learning the same routes from multiple sources then you go to the admin distance and compare the values, whichever is lower is preferred and installed into the routing table. The obvious question is what happens when you are learning about the same networks from the same IGP/EGP but from two different “neighbors”. Well, then the router would equally load balance across the links. There is a lot I am skipping over but this is supposed to be a high level overview. There is much more to discuss in greater detail, but that will be saved for another post. I hope this helps you understand the routing table a little more.
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